Alcohol You Later by Heather M. Orgeron

Alcohol You Later by Heather M. Orgeron

Author:Heather M. Orgeron [ORGERON, HEATHER M.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: novel
Publisher: Heather M. Orgeron
Published: 2022-03-02T00:00:00+00:00


The bitter way she said it—her tone laced with piss and vinegar—pierced right through my chest, making it damn near impossible to breathe.

I fucking cherish our friendship like nothing else in my life, and she just spit that word at me like a curse—like something dirty. Wielded it like a weapon.

Oh, she wanted to hurt me. And that may just be the worst part.

The audacity—to use such a minor technicality as an excuse for being in my bed with my bandmate. I don’t give a shit if he wasn’t under the covers or who else was in there with them.

She’s mine.

No, we may not be a couple. But Raven knows what she means to me—how important our relationship is. Because I tell her. I tell her all the goddamned time.

I’ve always had enough respect for whatever the hell this is between us not to bring any other girls around her. Ever. I’ve never touched another female in her presence. Avoided advances from fans after the shows she attends out of consideration for her feelings.

Where’s my consideration?

I kick the back tire. Punch the side of the bus until my knuckles bleed. All it does is rile me up more. I feel like I’m going to combust from all the rage inside me.

I need to get the hell away from here before I do or say something I can’t take back.

I storm across the lot to Rhett’s bus—because I’m sure as hell not going back on mine—where I pilfer a bottle of Jack and his oversized hoody and sunglasses from the entryway storage closet.

I’m gone as fast as I came, Korie none the wiser as I don the disguise and start heading for the security gate.

I’m halfway to freedom when my cell starts buzzing in my palm, Rhett’s name flashing across the screen. I don’t want to answer it, but my commitment to the band is too strong to leave them wondering where the hell I am and whether or not I’m going to show.

I take a swig from the bottle, tucking it back inside my sweatshirt and press my finger to the green button on the phone, bringing it to my ear without saying a word.

“Where the hell are you? You’re supposed to be at rehearsal.”

The thought of seeing Lyle has me breathing fire. Angry doesn’t begin to cut it. I could fucking murder him with my bare hands. “I can’t.”

“Can’t what? This is your job…our career. Get your ass in this stadium.”

“That asshole tell you what happened?”

He snorts. “Yeah…you walked in on him and Raven taking care of your kids. Get over yourself, man.”

Yeah. Because a couple of toddlers are the reason he’s been hanging around my bus. Get real. He’s out for my girl, and I don’t know why the hell I’m the only one who can see it.

“Have Blain fill in for me tonight. He knows the songs.”

“What the—?” I can practically see him combing a hand through his hair repeatedly the way he does when he’s pissed. “Do I need to come drag your ass in here myself? Because you know I will.


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